We specialize in manufacturing purifiers for coffe shops, restaurants, offices, cottages, hotels and catering.
Professional TreatmentConnect to your private area to control consumption of your Coral installations.
Restricted areaJust try it. The Budget dedicated to the professional cleaning of your space will be drastically reduced and totally predictable, no surprises, due to a MONTHLY FEE.
Produce Avant Technology means protecting the environment. Traditional packaging (bottles, labels, corks and packing materials) are reduced up to 95%.
Coral technology allows you always have stock of cleaning products, ordered and under control. Reducing space and product waste to a minimum.
Dispenser System and Bottles Applicators Avant Technology are “user friendly “. Allow you to produce cleaner detergent in complete safety, ensuring great speed and performance.
Coral is equipped with dosage control, remote assistance, quantity controlled by card, has web dedicated access to verify consumption.